2013年5月1日 星期三

祕境(Terra Mystica) FAQ 中文翻譯

2012年玩家心目中最期待的奇幻大作"祕境"(Terra Mystica)終於再版,讓望穿秋水的桌遊愛好者終於得以一窺祕境的神妙!

這篇問答(FAQ)是轉錄自BGG上,一位名叫"Nick Knutsen"的BG Geek搜集板上討論規則的細項匯整而成(應該不是官方回答)。我相信對喜愛"祕境"這款遊戲的玩家應該有很大的助益,所以特別翻譯成中文,希望桌遊界的先進與朋友多多指教,如有錯誤請不吝指正。


1.1 計分板塊設置勘誤(Errata for Scoring card setup)

New setup, not in the first edition rulebook: "Shuffle the Scoring tiles and place them face-up 
on these spaces one after another, beginning with space 6. If you draw the Scoring tile with a 
Spade on its left side for spaces 5 or 6, put it aside and draw another one instead. Then 
shuffle it back in."

According to the publisher: "The reason for this update is the danger of an exploit of the transforming bonus as our tests are showing."

This will lead to the Spade scoring tile having a 12.5% lower probability of showing up in a game than any of the other tiles. To avoid this, you can draw all 6 scoring tiles first, then shuffle them and place them according to the above instructions. This is an unofficial suggestion.

1.2 人魚族要塞功能勘誤(Errata for Mermaids' Stronghold)

The first edition rulebook says: "After building the Stronghold, immediately and only once move forward 1 space on the Shipping track. Neither pay 1 Worker, nor 4 Coins for this movement." 

This should be: "Neither pay 1 Priest, nor 4 Coins for this movement."

2. 一般規則(General Rules)

2.1 轉換地形與建築行動(Transform and Build action)

When using several Spades, can I transform a Terrain space, build a Dwelling, and then transform another Terrain space adjacent to the new Dwelling?

No, you have to do all transformations before building.

How exactly does the Transform and Build action work, and what's the difference between taking a Power action that gives free Spades vs. taking the Transform and Build action directly?
A Power action, Bonus card or Faction ability that gives free Spades, also immediately gives you a Transform and Build action.

1) Choose an unoccupied Terrain space directly or indirectly adjacent to one of your Structures.
2) If you have free Spades (from Power actions, Bonus cards, or Halflings' Stronghold ability), you may apply any free Spades to transform the Terrain space into another terrain type of your choice. 
3) If you transformed it into your Home terrain, you may apply any unused free Spades to one additional Terrain space (also unoccupied and adjacent to one of your Structures). If you have leftover Spades after also transforming this Terrain space into your Home terrain, you may do so again (only currently possible with the Halflings' 3 Spade ability).
4) If you didn't use free Spades to transform more than one Terrain space, you may spend Workers (according to the current Exchange rate) to transform the Terrain space into another terrain type of your choice.
5) If the initial Terrain space is now your Home terrain, you may build a Dwelling there.
So you can never do both (3) and (4).

Is 3 the maximum amount of times you can transform one Terrain space in one action?

No. When you transform, you can always follow the Transformation cycle in either direction, not necessarily taking the short route to your Home terrain type. You cannot change directions in one action, so the maximum transformations in one action is always 6. You may transform a space that is your Home terrain.

Can I choose a Terrain space that is already my Home terrain, use zero free Spades on it, and then apply the unused free Spades on another Terrain space? In this way I could build on the initial Terrain space.

No. (This is covered in the overview above.) You can't apply unused free Spades on another Terrain space unless you actually transform the initial (chosen) Terrain space to your Home terrain. This means that you can never build on a Terrain space you didn't transform in the same action, unless all you do is build.

2.2 宗教獎勵的鏟子(Spades from Cult bonuses (Phase III))

Can I spend Workers for additional Spades? Can I build a Dwelling?
使用宗教獎勵的鏟子時可以用工人換鏟子嗎? 可以順便蓋住宅嗎?

No. This is not a Transform and Build action.

Where can I apply these Spades?

You may apply the Spades on different Terrain spaces, as long as the Terrain spaces are unoccupied and directly or indirectly adjacent to one of your Structures.


2.3 直接與間接相鄰(Direct and indirect adjacency)

What's the difference between direct and indirect adjacency, and when does each apply?

Direct adjacency: Adjacent hexes, as well as hexes connected via a Bridge.
  • In order to found a Town the Structures must be directly adjacent.
  • 城鎮的奠基必須基於直接相連的建築群。
  • When upgrading to a Trading House, you get the lower cost if your opponent's Structure is directly adjacent.
  • 當建築交易屋的時候若與對手的建築物直接相鄰,玩家可以降低建築費用。
  • When you build or upgrade a Structure, opponents may gain Power if they have Structures directly adjacent.
  • 當你建築住宅區或是升級建築物時,直接相鄰的對手可以獲得魔力。
Indirect adjacency: Terrain spaces that are not directly adjacent but that can be reached with Shipping (if your Shipping value is high enough).
  • When transforming Terrain spaces and/or building Dwellings, indirect adjacency is sufficient.
  • 只要是間接相鄰的板塊,即可允許玩家轉換地形或是建築住宅區。
  • Area scoring in the final scoring only requires indirect adjacency.
  • 遊戲結束結算最大區域時,玩家只要有間接相鄰的建築物都可以計入。
Tunneling (for Dwarves) and Carpet Flight (for Fakirs) give indirect adjacency for the purposes of the Transform and Build action, and for Area scoring in the final scoring. However, you can't use these abilities when using free Spades from Cult bonuses.

2.4 因為對手相鄰建築獲得魔力(Gaining Power when someone builds next to you)

What happens if I get 3 Power, but I'm only able to gain 2 of them? Do I still have to pay 2 VP to gain the Power?

No, if you aren't able to gain all the Power, you only need to pay VP for what you gain. In this case 1 VP.

Can I voluntarily choose to take less Power than I may gain from my Structures, in order to save VP?

No, you have to gain all you can or nothing.

May I gain power when someone builds next to me as a Special action?

Yes. You may gain Power whenever someone builds a Dwelling or upgrades a Structure next to you (directly adjacent to your Structures(s)). The rules say it happens in Action #1 and Action #4, but it can also happen in other Actions, e.g. when a player uses a Special action (#7) to build or upgrade next to you.

2.5 元素祭壇的升級(Advancing on Cult tracks)

What is required to reach the top space of a Cult track?

To reach the top space (space 10) of a Cult track, you need to already have a key (Town tile). You get a Town tile when founding a Town. You need one key (Town tile) for each top space on a Cult track.

Is it allowed to send a Priest to an order of a Cult, and place it there, even if I can't advance the full range?


Can I send a Priest to an order of a Cult and take it back to advance 1 space, even if all Priest spaces are occupied?

Yes, you can always send a Priest and take it back to advance 1 space on a Cult track.

2.6 城鎮的奠基(Founding Towns)

How are Towns founded?

A Town is automatically founded when at least four of your Structures with a combined Power value of 7 are directly adjacent to each other. If one of the Structures is a Sanctuary, only three Structures are needed, but still a combined Power value of 7. However, the Favor tile "2 Fire" lowers the Power value requirement to 6. Taking this tile might mean that one or several Towns immediately are founded.

2.7 紅利卡(Bonus cards)

What happens with Bonus cards in the last round?

Bonus cards that give a bonus when passing, also do so in the last round. You don't take a new Bonus card in the last round.

Can I use the Bonus card that gives +1 to Shipping when using Spades from a Cult bonus?

No, Cult bonus happens in Phase III, and this tile gives +1 Shipping in Phase II (Actions) only.

2.8 資源轉換(Conversions)

If I gain more Power than I'm able to (because it's all in Bowl III), can I convert Power to Workers/Priests/Coins in the middle, so that the excess isn't lost? What about if I gain more Power than I'm able to and it's not my turn?

No, you can only convert Power/Workers/Priest/Coins on your turn, before or after taking an action, not in the middle of an action. (You can also do it during final scoring.)

2.9 最後計分(Final scoring)

Can I sacrifice Power during final scoring to get more to convert to Coins?


In Area scoring, can I score points for several areas of connected Structures?

No, each player only scores once, for his biggest area of connected Structures.

2.10 獲得恩惠卡(Getting Favor tiles)

The "2 Fire" Favor tile means that to found a Town I need Structures with a combined Power value of only 6. If I'm on 8 on the Fire Cult track and don't have a key, can I take this Favor tile and at once found a Town and use that key (Town tile) to advance to 10 with the 2 Fire influence from the tile?

Yes, if a Town would be founded by taking this tile, you get the key immediately, and may use it to reach 10 on the Fire Cult with the 2 Fire influence.

If I'm Chaos Magicians and get two Favor tiles, can I choose in which order to resolve them? This could matter for the "2 Fire" tile mentioned in the previous question.

Yes, you can resolve the Favor tiles in either order.

3. 種族特殊能力(Faction Abilities)

3.1 矮人與苦行僧(Tunneling (Dwarves) and Carpet Flight (Fakirs))

Can I use Tunneling or Carpet Flight to a Terrain space that is adjacent to one of my Dwellings, to get the VP?

No, you can only do so when needed.

Can I Tunnel or Fly several times when I take the Transform and Build action?

No, you can only do so once per action. Fakirs with Stronghold can skip up to two spaces, but these skips can only be done to reach one Terrain space (even when using the 2 Spades Power action).

Can I Tunnel or Fly to a Terrain space without transforming it or building a Dwelling to get the VP?

No, you must take the Transform and Build action to use this ability and get the VP, which means you must transform and/or build.

Can I use Tunneling or Carpet Flight to transform the same Terrain space several turns in a row, just to earn VP?

Yes, that's allowed.

3.2 半身人(Halflings' ability)

Do I get the VP when I get a Spade even if I'm unable to use the Spade?

No, you have to use the Spade in order to get the 1 VP.

3.3 鍊金術師的要塞(Alchemists' Stronghold)

Do I get the Power when I get a Spade even if I'm unable to use the Spade?

No, you have to use the Spade in order to get the 2 Power.

3.4 人魚族(Mermaids' ability)

If I'm Mermaids I can skip a River space when founding a Town. I place the Town tile on this River space. Does this River space block adjacency? Does it count as a Structure?

No, the skipped River space (with a Town tile on it) is not considered to be a Structure. It counts as a normal River space, e.g. for the sake of adjacency. However, it's considered to be part of the Town.

I want to found a Town by skipping a River space, but this River space already borders on my existing Town (which of course is not connected to any part of the new Town I want to found). What happens?

In this case you cannot found this Town by using the Mermaids' ability.

3.5 木精靈的要塞(Auren's Stronghold)

From the rulebook: "As a Special action (once per Action phase), you may advance 2 spaces on a Cult track of your choice (or on space 10 if you have a key)." Can I use the Special action to advance on two different Cult tracks?

No, you must advance 2 spaces on the same Cult track.

3.6 巨人的要塞(Giants' Stronghold)

What does "a reachable Terrain space" mean?

A "reachable" Terrain space means that it's directly or indirectly adjacent to one of your Structures. This is different from the Nomads' Stronghold ability, which requires direct adjacency (but doesn't work over Bridges).

20130501 WayMau

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